Wednesday, August 14, 2013

choosing to let go

  • so much has changed over these past two years
  • and it has pretty much rocked my world
  • you see my security was a savings account, jobs, etc.
  • and because God is a jealous God, He wants to be my rock
  • and while it has been a painful process...
  • I am choosing to let Him love me and meet my needs
  • I am choosing to trust Him for what I can't see
  • I am choosing to walk by faith 
  • I am choosing to praise Him and thank Him throughout the day
  • I am choosing to be strong and courageous instead of anxious and fearful
  • I am choosing to rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation and constant in prayer
  • I am choosing to take better care of my body, mind and soul
  • I am exercising ~ Randy & I are hiking South Mountain every morning
  • I am totally off caffeine and most sugars
  • reducing my anxiety and keeping my blood pressure down
  • I am choosing to depend on Jesus for everything
  • I am choosing to be content with little and with much
  • I am choosing to let go of my need to take control when everything is out of control
  • I am choosing to trust God with my husband 
  • I fail every day, choosing to turn from God and do things my way
  • but wake up the next day and choose God's grace 
  • but in all my pain and suffering I am coming to a deeper understanding of God's goodness, faithfulness and unconditional love for me as never before
  • thank you God for being my refuge and strength and my very present help in times of trouble

Randy took this iPhone photo just as the sun was rising this morning on top of South Mountain ~ the golden hour. It was cool and breezy as I marveled at the beauty of God's glorious creation.

Randy also wrote this song ~ I Choose To Live


  1. Love you and your family :)

    Andrew and I are trying to find time to hike more in the mornings, but his work schedule is crazy. Grateful for the job if nothing else.


  2. Wow, Linda thank you for sharing that:-) We have certainly learned some of the same lessons these past few years, and ultimately it has made for a much closer and incredible relationship with God. Love the photo!!

  3. Beautiful photo, beautiful woman and beautiful lessons to learn

  4. Linda, I pray for you every day! You are a remarkable woman and I am so blessed to know you!

  5. very inspiring post, and beautiful picture. It must be breathtaking to hike in such beauty and splendor.

  6. We hiked, we made memories, we had losses and we grieved together. Seems we are still in sinc with our walk with Jesus in letting go of the past...I reposted my letting go blog this week as I am trying to deal with finances too and wanting to do MY will... quit my good job and travel and speak and sing like we were going to do 35 years ago. Sorry I messed that up! Where would we be today?

  7. Beautiful and inspiring post Linda!
    I have thought and prayed for you my friend. I so hope some good news comes your way soon.
    Big hugs see you in October too!

  8. A great post. I am encouraged to trust more in God, also!

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