Monday, August 26, 2013

jury duty randomness

I am currently sitting in Superior Court of Arizona in downtown Phoenix ~ awaiting jury duty selection. I will be here for 8 long hours. But no worries, I came prepared. In fact, I resembled someone about to embark on a month-long cross-country back-packing trip. My bulging backpack got quite the looks going through security.
Just so you know, I have never done this before. I have either been pregnant or nursing or no babysitter, or my group just never had to appear when I called the day before. And I’ve got to be honest, I’ve been rather anxious about the whole ordeal. But now that I’m here, I’m ok. I mean think about it, I have a whole day to journal, blog, read, do whatever I want, and not feel guilty.
So, I’ll be posting random thoughts throughout the day to keep me entertained, and hopefully you too.
  • I ate most of the lunch I packed by 10am
  • I’m liking the private cubicles for us laptop-ers
  • A friend on Facebook posted about the new Pumpkin Spice M&Ms
  • I want them in the worst way
  • I reorganized my sewing room over the weekend
  • I downsized my wardrobe over the weekend
  • I feel pretty good about my weekend
  • Koda & I take walks every morning at 5:30
  • Koda's our dog and she misses Tyler terribly
  • So do I :(
  • Dumb vending machine... I pushed the wrong numbers and got a Baby Ruth instead of Peanut M&Ms
  • Ok, dumb me
  • Most everyone has left for lunch... but not me
  • I made a big pot of Ham & Split Peas soup last week
  • Perfect for our overcast, rainy weekend
  • I don't want to get picked for a trial
  • Cuz guess what? I'm starting a part-time job next week!
  • The (Fancy) Fry's @ Tatum & Shea hired me!
  • I will be working housewares- designing displays and end caps, ordering, stocking, inventory and customer service
  • SO excited to get started!
  • Hoping to work lots and lots of hours
  • We've been without a washing machine for the past 6 weeks
  • We were given one two weeks ago, though they weren't sure it worked
  • We replaced a few parts and it still wouldn't work
  • We're being given another one this week that works ~ yes!
  • Thank you Jesus!
  • Thankfully I wasn't picked to do the trial 
  • My Dad's So God Made a Farmer video reached over 40,000 views this week!

My son Tyler moved to Wisconsin 6 weeks ago.
He recently visited the farm where I grew up and climbed the 90' Harvester Silo.
And that's the house that built me.

Check it out! My sister-in-law took this photo of Tyler
while he was taking pics from the top of the silo. Yikes!


  1. good luck at your job!!

  2. I'm so happy you have a job! And a new used wash machine, keep the blessing coming ;)

  3. A big YAY for the new job and the washing machine! So happy for some bright spots for you amid the dark clouds!!

  4. Praise Jesus for your new job!

  5. Oh Yah Linda!
    Your job sounds fun and interesting too.
    I am so glad you got a washing machine. And I am glad you got to by-pass jury duty as well.
    I know how that goes about missing your son. Hey we just swapped states.
    I want to see you in October, I am sure we can find a time.
    Big Hugs and congrats again,

  6. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Haven't been around much and have missed you. Too funny what you wrote about jury duty, I had to go for the same reason, no baby, no nursing and they made me go in the summer even though I homeschool.

    Loved the silo pics. The farm we rented in North Dakota had one just like that and hubby and I climbed to the top and shared a smooch.

    Love seeing pics of your farmstead. It's so beautiful. Hope all is well!

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