Tuesday, March 17, 2015

hollyhocks & lighted reading glasses

  • my hollyhocks are blooming!
  • our 35 year old orange tree died this winter.
  • last year we lost our lemon tree in a storm.
  • miss our citrus trees.
  • my brother Ronnie is recovering from a stem cell transplant.
  • he is battling multiple myloma.
  • praying for his total healing
  • big toy reset this week at Fry's means brand new toys!
  • the new Lego sets are awesome.
  • I'm the toy department head at Fry's.
  • my husband loves the Adult Day Care he attends 9 hours a day/ 5 days a week.
  • he has no sense of time, so he thinks I'm only gone a few hours.
  • he has Frontotemporal Dementia.
  • blew through all 15 episodes of Rehab Addict on Netflix.
  • can't wait till they add more. Love Nicole Curtis.
  • determined to someday use my husbands power tools.
  • started Chiropractic treatments. My back and neck are a mess.
  • thankful for my full-time job at Fry's Foods.
  • dread the summer heat.
  • trying to figure out how to have a life outside of work and caregiving.
  • choosing to trust God every single day.
  • 5 years ago a friend made this video of my husband's song "I Choose to Live".
  • such powerful life-giving words of hope.
  • bought the perfect pair of light-weight capris at a thrift store last week.
  • checked the tag today for washing instruction... they are "maternity" capris! :)
  • recently found these LightSpecs by Foster Grant on clearance at my Fry's.
  • I can never have enough light while reading. Love them!


  1. Linda, you continue to be an inspiration to so many. Praying for you:-)

  2. You are beautiful inside and out, a child of The King and a daily inspiration to me through your blog. I pray for you and keep you close in my thoughts.

    Love in Jesus,


  3. Kathy Grayczyk8:10 PM

    Glad you're getting work on your back and neck. Back pain is misery. Love you, keep posting

  4. I love your hollyhocks! My sister in Sun City has a ton of lemons and oranges. Let me know if you want me to get some from her for you.

    Have you seen Fixer Upper on HGTV? I love her decorating style! Wish I could have them come and remodel a house for us.

    Praying for your brother, you, Randy, your health and family.

    Love and miss you friend!

  5. Thank goodness I was sitting down while I read this post. It completely exhausted me all that you are enjoying and loving! :)
    The best part was learning about Rehab Addict on Netflix. It's now in my que. :)

  6. Linda, I just discovered your blog today. Your photos are lovely. I will be praying for you. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.
