Monday, June 06, 2016

Full of Grace and Truth

  • camping at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon was a dream come true, and ended up being our last significant road trip together. (2011) My favorite post from that trip is HERE.
  • the other day I asked Randy what his favorite Bible verse was and he immediately quoted John 1:14 ~ 
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

  • every day after picking up Randy at his day care, we have to turn right on a street called Victory. And every day Randy gets so excited when he sees Victory and says with all the excitement of a little boy "It's Victory!" And I immediately break into song ~ 
... in Jesus, My Savior, forever. He sought me and bought me

With His redeeming blood;

He loved me ere I knew Him, And all my love is due Him,

He plunged me to victory,

Beneath the cleansing flood.

  • and every day Randy finishes the song for me because I pretend I don't know all the words. It's just the best! 
  • the other day I decided to transfer the fluffy down from one pillow to another, to make it more full. Of course I did it in my backyard, and needless to say, when I got done it looked like it had snowed. Snow flurries were circling in the air till it all settled on the ground. Randy thought it was pretty funny. 
  • I imagine the birds will be using it to fluff their nests. (pardon the pun)
  • it was 117 degrees on Sat. and 115 on Sunday. God help us.
  • we don't have tornados, mudslides, hurricanes, earthquakes, snow or excessive rain. 
  • but we do have dust storms and extreme heat advisories warning of possible burns while stupidly walking barefoot to your mailbox. (which I have stupidly done)
  • I belong to a Frontotemporal Facebook Page. Yesterday I commented on a post about how this disease affects the caregiver. This is what I wrote.
"While I hate this disease and what it is doing to my husband, I thank God every day for the transformation of my life. Randy did everything and now I am learning to do things that while scary at first, have made me stronger, independent (and more dependent on God), compassionate, loving and aware that life is so much more than what I thought was the end all. I'm learning to be alone, and content with the simple things. The Lord does have a plan that can only be accepted through faith. I have no clue as to how each day is going to unfold, but He does, and He will give me the strength I need to love and care for my husband." 


  1. As always, when you post, I'm amazed at your strength and resiliance. Hope the new job is going well? Prayers for you all...

  2. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Thank you for sharing your heart....I really needed to read this today. Bless you and your husband.

  3. Love that you share your heart with this blog. I'm saying a prayer for you and your husband on your journey. My husband passed two years ago from FTD and I live in Phoenix. I attended the FTD support group at Banner. They were such a help for me. Email or FB me if you ever want to visit or go to lunch. God Bless you!! Jane Hoseth DeLong

  4. Oh Linda, you are amazing, strong, inspirational and an beautiful example of LOVE.

    Praying for you,

    Debbie Kay

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    encouraged by Randy's music this evening, (saw him in Phoenix around 27 years ago), kept his CDs. it's been a tough day in some regards, and I could sense the Spirit. appreciate your update too, and equally was blessed.
