Friday, July 01, 2016

Wisconsin Trip 2016

My Wisconsin trip was wonderful! Above and beyond what I could have ever hoped for. Thrifting and endless hours processing life with my sister, fish fry with my son, visiting with my Mom, sitting with my brother during his infusion, visiting the farm where I grew up, and attending my niece's beautiful wedding. My heart could hardly take it all in. So restful and so peaceful. And so GREEN! Love Wisconsin in June.

The House That Built Me
And my husband Randy did so well. I was so worried and anxious in the days leading up to my trip... wondering how he'd do with 3 different caregivers coming and going, but he did great. Thankful to my son and son-in-law and friend for loving and caring for him so well. I kid you not, the moment my son dropped me off at the airport, I was overcome with the most overwhelming peace and trust. Randy was in God's hands and I could enjoy every single moment with friends and family. And I did!

My brother Gary means the world to me. He has been my rock-solid, faithful friend throughout these past two years since my husband's frontotemporal dementia diagnose. So of course I was a mess watching him walk his daughter Anna down the isle. I wouldn't have missed this moment for the world.

Me ~ Ginny ~ Sharon ~ Anna
Did you know my sister Ginny and I are the original Dancing Queens? Ok, so more like dancing fools, but we love dancing to classic rock! And the playlist and sound system at this reception was simply the best! 

Love this image I captured ~ extreme cultures clashing along Wisconsin country roads.

I sure miss seeing my son Tyler every day since my return to hell, I mean to Phoenix. Yes, it was 118 when I landed. So fun riding in Tyler's '93 Ford F-150 Northland Edition. He's so happy living in Wisconsin and that makes this here Mama so happy.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Love your blog!! Dawn Hegge

  2. So happy to hear you got a chance to go back home! A great way to recharge yourself from your hectic schedule. Thankful for the special caregivers who lovingly took care of Randy so you could have a well-deserved break. Good news!
