Monday, March 20, 2017

slowly but surely

  • my husband's frontotemporal dementia is progressing slowly but surely.
  • his short-term memory loss is much more evident.
  • thankful he is still peaceful, happy and content.
  • he has still never been sad, angry, irritated or argumentative.
  • we keep to a very simple, predictable routine.
  • Randy's heart is so full of truth and love, that no matter what is happening to his brain, Christ in Randy is still very much real and present.
  • my husband had to start attending a more secure day care in Phoenix.
  • he kept trying to leave when he saw others being picked up.
  • which means he now has to use dial-a-ride to and from each day.
  • otherwise my commute would mean leaving Gilbert after work, picking him up in Phoenix, then back to Tempe... a crazy 2 hours drive.
  • needless to say, I am sad for the loss of our treasured time each day in the van after work.
  • and frustrated that his target pick up time is rarely ever on time.
  • not happy with dial-a-ride.
  • but thankful the transition to the new day care was seamless.
  • very happy with the new day care and the dedicated staff.
  • thankful my neighbor gets Randy in the cab after I leave for work each morning.
  • really, really like my job, my co-workers and altering mens suits.
  • survived 9 hour days, 5 days a week, January and February.
  • a result of Dillard's huge clearance sale on men's suits.
  • nice to be back to 4 - 8 hour days.
  • a dear, precious friend painted our house the week after Christmas. Overwhelmed by such a generous gift. 
  • God continues to bless above and beyond. Continually in awe of His goodness.
  • five dear men came and cared for my husband while I was in WI for my Mom's funeral.
  • forever and ever grateful for their servants heart.
  • just when I thought the aching in my heart for a road trip would never go away, my friend Nancy arrives from Virginia and we hit the open road. My heart was renewed, restored, revived.
  • Randy & I were on a walk yesterday and his crown fell out. Trying not to worry about what that means. He will have to be put under for any work to be done. Ugh.
  • have I mentioned lately that I hate this disease?
  • I will leave you with a photo from Thanksgiving 2016 ~ Pop pop, Mimi & grandson Will.
  • and my new favorite verse ~ Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield; 
my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. 


  1. I love all 3 of those smiling faces in that photo, as well as the families that they represent!

    I hate that disease and hearing that it's progressing too.

    I'm so thankful that we got to go on that road trip. We'll have to find a way to do another one. How did your clothes line work out?

    Continuing to pray for every detail of your life. I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be at times.

    Love you always my dear friend.

  2. Sending love and prayers to you.

  3. Thinking of you from New Zealand and how much you would love this "heaven on earth" beauty. Love you.

  4. * amazed at your continued faithfulness
    * grateful that Randy's deep faith has kept him the man of faith we know and love
    * sad that you have to go through so many hardships and so many losses
    * blessed by your blogs and look forward to the book :)
    * anxious to come down and spend time with you both
    * praying for you!

  5. My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.
