Friday, March 24, 2017

Tommy Hilfiger designer coveralls

Oh the things you find at thrift stores... 
Many years ago I found a brand new pair of coveralls at my favorite little thrift store for $7.00. Umm... we're talking Tommy Hilfiger designer coveralls to be specific. Don't bother googling these... they don't exist. Maybe they only made one pair. 
Anyways, I knew my husband would go wild. Ok, he doesn't ever go wild, but he would be thrilled. When we met in 1978, coveralls were a common attire most weekends, as he was always working on his beloved '69 Dodge Charger. But he wore his Dad's. So after we married he went many years without coveralls. 

Well, we sure got our monies worth. And come on, is he handsome or what. When I took these photos in April, 2011, he could only find my pink headband that morning to absorb the sweat. ha!
And ironically, it would be one of the last times he ever worked on our vehicles, if not the last time. His frontotemporal dementia was diagnosed 3 years later, April of 2014... but he started changing around this time.

So, in preparation for our house painting, I spent Christmas Day going through 23 years of junk in our side yard, for the next days power washing. 
These were hanging with the yard tools. 
Bitter sweet... lots of tears... remembering.

But so thankful I found them... you see, I've been collecting jeans for over 40 years... to make quilts. I have jeans that my kids wore, Randy wore, my Dad wore, I wore. Thrilled I could salvage the best parts of this well-worn treasure. 
And so fun showing Randy and reminding him of his love of working on cars. 

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