Friday, July 26, 2024

A Believer's Journey by Randy Thompson

My husband Randy wrote a book! And today's the day it's finally available on Amazon. I am so excited, but even more excited for Randy. He wrote this book from 2011-2013, about his 30+ years in full-time ministry with Randy Thompson Ministries. He wrote about his adventures on the road. He wrote about what he shared at his concerts... his faith, his beliefs, his convictions, and his passion for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He wrote about A Believer's Journey.

He also wrote with a sense of urgency. I remember when Randy finished the book, I was so glad it was done. Our lives had turned upside down. He wasn't working. He needed a job. Something was terribly wrong. So when he was finally diagnosed with Frontotemporal dementia in 2014, a year after he finished the book, I remember thinking he couldn't have written another word when the book was done. God had given him a window in time. Randy was obedient. So he wrote. Until he couldn't. And I thank God he did!

Today I will visit Randy at his memory care facility. He will hold the book intently, as I go on and on about how God is using this book in my life... to heal me, inspire me, to equip me for the plans He has for me. Oh how I want to know the depth of Randy's relationship with the Lord. You will too when you spend time with Randy in the pages of this book. 

One day Randy will no longer be with us. But thank God he leaves behind the lyrics in his songs, and the words in this book. He always said he wanted his life to matter, to be used of God until his final breath.  

So it's only natural that Randy would close A Believer's Journey with these final words ~ 

"I will forever write songs and sing praises to the One who is like no other. I will tell of His great love and power until my last breath, and then I will see Him face to face, and worship Him. My Savior! My King! My God!" 

You can order your copy of A Believer's Journey HERE

1 comment:

  1. Steven and Grace Latson6:26 PM

    Randy has been an inspiration to our family for many years. Our daughter said every year that the best thing about our Christmas celebration was starting it with Randy's concert, and that nobody should ever sing Oh Holy Night except Randy. He is one of the most purely decent men we have ever known, and his faith in our precious savior is so beautiful. We love him and his family dearly, and we can't wait to read the words he has written.
