Saturday, August 03, 2024

Randy Thompson ~ About The Author Bio

My husband Randy's About The Author bio on Amazon. 

A Believer's Journey is available HERE


Randy Thompson began playing guitar and writing songs as a young boy. He would later accept Jesus into his heart as a teenager. He was so passionate about his faith, he wore a wooden cross necklace and carried his Bible to high school every day. He soon switched to a 12 string guitar, and began to write Christian songs and sing in Christian coffee houses in the 70’s throughout Phoenix, Arizona. 

Randy recorded his first cassette of original songs in 1978 ~ Jesus Touched Me. Recently those 10 songs were uploaded to his YouTube Channel. (Randy Thompson Ministries YouTube Channel)

He married his wife Linda in 1979 and they entered into full-time ministry in 1980, the same year he graduated from Grand Canyon College with Bible & History degrees. They started a family in 1982, raising Shawn, Miranda & Tyler in Tempe, Arizona. 

Randy Thompson Ministries was formed in 1990. He started marketing his ministry and traveling around the country doing concerts in big and small churches. He was doing what God created him to do… sharing the love of Jesus in song and powerful teaching. 

Seven more cassettes and CDs would follow. God would use his songs mightily, as more and more testimonials would pour in. One particular letter stood out. A young girl was walking along the Carefree Highway after her car had broke down. (No cell phones back then) She saw a cassette on the side of the road with the tape hanging out. She wound it up with a pencil and popped it in her portable cassette player. She was so deeply moved by the songs that she spent months looking for more of Randy’s music. But because the cassette case was scuffed up, she was looking for Randy Thomas. Eventually a Christian Bookstore in Flagstaff showed her Randy’s cassettes. She had found him! She immediately bought his cassettes and eventually his CDs. She was so thrilled to have a way to contact Randy to tell her story, how God used his music to bring her back to God. 

After many years in full-time ministry, he took on the position as the pastor of his church. But in 2011 they let him go as he wasn’t himself. Something was wrong. That is when he started writing A Believer’s Journey, because he’s a prophet, an evangelist and a truth teller. He finished the book three years later, six months before he was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia in 2014. The book was finally published in 2024. 

Randy is currently in a memory care facility. He is peaceful, calm and easy going and dearly loved by the staff and caregivers who love his music. While he is unable to do concerts, share Jesus, or write songs anymore, the lyrics in his songs and the words in his book will live on long after he sees Jesus face-to-face. 

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