Thursday, July 01, 2010

Our Cozy Cottage maiden voyage

Our cozy cottage on wheels hits the road this weekend. For the very first time! This is an etsy print that Miranda got me for Christmas and I have to say, on this particular trip we really do want it to be about the destination. Getting to our church family camp up north without any problems would make us so happy! And btw, it was 115 degrees today in Tempe, AZ!! I am SO ready to cool off.

Thought you might want to read the story of our cozy cottage on wheels, that I originally posted back in October of 2009. A week later our house flooded and most of our weekends since then have been devoted to getting our home back in shape. Thus the delay in getting this beauty out and about.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Can you believe it! She's ours!
You know how much I've talked about one day having my very own cozy cottage in the woods? Well, my dream has come true! Only this is my cozy cottage on wheels... that will transport me to the enchanted forest of my dreams. Ok, so I got carried away... I meant the woods.

How cute is my little 1976 Travette travel trailer! Like way cute. Like, talk amongst yourselves way cute! Like... ok, you get the picture... my cozy cottage is cute!
I know, it's not the '56 Shasta of my dreams. They either cost a pretty penny... or they need total restoration. This one was hit the road ready and totally within our budget. And the whole 70's motif? It's growing on me. Throw in some tangerine orange and you've got my kitchen colors when we married in '79. (aka Tupperware colors)

Here's the scoop-
~ found her on Craig's List
~ located near Chino Valley
~ that was the main reason for our 356 mile Sunday drive
~ it was love at first sight
~ totally restored to our satisfaction
~ the bench seat & cushions make into a queen bed
~ a 13 footer which was exactly what we wanted
~ only $1100.00. Such a sweet deal!
~ fits in our side yard perfectly
~ and will double as Emolyn's playhouse

Randy & I are so excited to take it up to the Mogollon Rim and experience our first rainfall inside our cozy cottage. Can you imagine the sound of the rain pelting on the aluminum roof? Heavenly.

Basically she's a step up from camping in our van. We are now camping in a travel trailer where we can actually sit at our table and play cards, watch dvd's, share meals, scrapbook, write blog posts on my Mac, sip mugs of hot chocolate, read books... whatever suits our fancy! And when we're tired, we make it into a queen bed, turn out the lights and call it a day. Heavenly.

So, my awesome husband and cute sons are bringing her home today. And I get to spend the day with Emolyn while they make the road trip up north... praying they make it home safely.
And in case I don't say it enough... thank you Randy! I love you. You're my favorite husband ever! :)

All of the above pics were taken upon meeting her for the very first time. Ain't she a beauty!

Well, the time has finally come AND not only is she ready for her maiden voyage but there's a huge likelihood of rain while snuggled inside our cozy cottage on wheels. Can't wait to tell you all about the adventures that await us. Till then, have a safe & happy 4th of July weekend!

Nothing better than fluffy, soft vintage sheets.

So fun decorating 70's vintage ~ with thrifty finds I found throughout my home.
Thanks for visiting my cozy cottage on wheels!


  1. I remember when you got your cottage on wheels. A real cutey.
    You gave me an idea... we have a '74 Airstream that we would like to get rid of. I'm going to check Craig's List.
    Y'all have fun and be careful.
    Ladybug Creek

  2. you did such a great job "cozy-ing" it up! HAVE FUN!

  3. I love it Linda! It is really cute and I bet you will have a wonderful time this weekend!
    And I love your line about Randy being my favorite husband, sooo cute!
    Enjoy and take lot's of pics for us to see!

  4. LOVE IT!!! I would love to have an Airstream to redo in the "shabby chic" style :))
    Thank you so much for sharing!!
    Have a wonderful evening!!
    ~ Michella ~
    ~ ~ xoxo ~ ~

  5. Oh, I love it, too! You are so very lucky to have found it!

  6. This is such a cute camper! I want one so much to plant in my backyard for my little hideaway! Maybe someday :)

  7. It is adorable! Have a great time making memories! Happy 4th! ;)

  8. Oh I love your dream come true. I so want one too! Yours is so sweet.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  9. That is sooooo cute. Love it!

  10. I love you trailer! It is so very cute! I think you got a great deal on it too. Check out my 1963 Airstream that my husband and I renovated ourselves at

  11. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Hi! I'm coming to see you from Cindy's Show and Tell Friday! Oh, what a precious little trailer! It looks so cute inside! Have a great little trip!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Jealous! My childhood friend had one of these and it was our play house. We spent hours in her backyard playing Sorry, Candy Land, Clue you name it. Have a fun trip! Don't usually say this...but good luck for rain.

  13. Your cottage on wheel is adorable! I love the inside - so quaint and cozy. Fantastic job making it a second home away from home. Have a fun trip! Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. ~ Stephanie Lynn

  14. it's adorable... I love the green accents and the bright colors outside! Lezlee

  15. Cute! My parents had one just like it in the 70's. The only difference, theirs was brown checked and beige curtains. You are going to have such fun. Annette

  16. super cute! can't wait to see this cottage on wheels on the road! very cozy indeed!

  17. LOVE it!! I so want to redo a vintage camper. Have fun on your camping trip:)

  18. So cute. I can see how proud of it you are !! :)

    I, too, would love one of the 50's little campers you say...too expensive. My uncle had one a long time ago..wish I had put my bid in on it. SHOOT !!

    Have fun in your cutie...
    xo bj
    Oh, and I am your newest follower...come by to see me when you can.

  19. oops...I didn't find a follower list....:(

  20. I looove your darling little cottage on wheels, it's my dream too, not sure I'll get one, but I would love to decorate it and have it for girl get to gethers! How fun! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  21. Hi,

    Nice to meet you! I am here from Cindy's blog. Oh this trailor is adorable! I want one!! Ahhh, the rain on the roof sounds heavenly.
    Hope you and hubby have a wonderflul time!!


  22. Adorable... Have a great time camping. Now I want one too!

  23. Oh...I love your little "cottage on wheels" cute and cozy. Snuggled in the bed and rain on the rooftop, how relaxing is that!

  24. Awwww,that is the cutest thing! I hope you and your family have a great time and a safe trip. Enjoy the rain Ü

  25. You lucky dawg!!! That is the cutest little house. Have fun. xoxo Nancy/Jealous in Texas!

  26. Oh...this trailer is just darling! I think it might even make me LIKE camping if I had this to go camping in. You've fixed it up oh so cute.

  27. What fun! My honey has been looking for trailers however we need it to fit into our garage, so it will have to be a pop-up... so wish we had room for a doll house like that! Have a fun 4th of July!

  28. Wow! Congratulations! I have to agree with everybody, the cottage is so cute.I like it a lot.

  29. How cute! What a great cottage on wheels! Enjoy:)

  30. I love it, so very cute inside, love the metal picnic basket on the counter!

