Monday, November 29, 2010


Many years ago I brought back this cob of corn from the farm in Wisconsin.
We have made it a part of our Thanksgiving ever since.
Means even more to me this year, since the passing of my Dad last December.

This Thanksgiving was made extra special because our new friends from Ukraine were joining us.

Our nephew Lyle & his lovely bride Anya were married 5 days before,
so Anya's cousin Alyona and dear friend Zhenya were able to stay an extra week
and join us for our Thanksgiving celebration.

We could not be more thrilled to have Anya a part of the Thompson family.
She is such a delight and has the most beautiful voice.
Her & Lyle sang at their wedding reception and it was amazing.

So thankful that I could prepare the meal in my new kitchen!
Have I told you lately that I love my new kitchen? Well I really do!

And I love remembering how this moment made me feel.
Peaceful. Grateful. Full of love.

What a precious photo of the whole Thompson family at Lyle & Anya's wedding.

Pop Pop & Elsie in our backyard enjoying the cool, crisp Thanksgiving weather.

Emolyn's favorite part of the meal was the whipped topping on her slice of pie.
She kept saying ever so sweetly, "Mimi, more cream please".

Whenever the Thompson's gather, music will surely follow!
We're that guitar strumming ~ singing sort of family.
Sometimes the harmonies are so tight that I can hardly keep from crying while singing.

Emolyn fell in love with beautiful, sweet Alyona.
Which shows that you don't need to speak the same language to connect,
as they did so beautifully.
Alyona is hoping to qualify for the 2012 Olympics in archery.
And her extended American family will be among her biggest fans!


  1. Hi Linda,
    What a beautiful post! I love your traditions and I love your new kitchen too!
    How nice to have that big table to seat everyone! And the family pics are just wonderful! Baby Elsie is growing so quickly!
    I hope to see you in Jan. when I come out to visit!
    Hugs Friend,

  2. Oh Linda,
    I love that sledding pic below!
    It looks so Wisconsin! And so like it could have been taken at my house too!
    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    The holidays are for sharing and you did a beautiful job of that, sharing with family, friends and your blogger buddies! Love your kitchen too! I especially like your leaves on the plates, very clever!

    Thank you!
    Mel's Cabin
