Monday, July 11, 2011

recording studio~office

Where do I begin? So much to tell you...
First off, this recording studio slash office remodel came about because my husband has the summer off. So he was able to devote many hours to his much anticipated dream recording studio/ office... and he's so dang handy and can do just about anything he puts his mind to. 

You see, what was once the hottest room in the summer and coldest in the winter... is now the best room in the house. While we were facing a major kitchen remodel because of the flood, we decided to go for broke and remove all the old ducting and raise the ceiling and run flex-tubing ~ to make that 5th bedroom that nobody wanted to inhabit, more appealing. Well, as I said HERE, it was the best decision in the whole kitchen remodel.

So Randy is now claiming that room as his new studio. And it quickly became painfully apparent that we had bitten off more than we could chew! Because not only were we starting from scratch after gutting that room... but our youngest is moving home next week. So we're also preparing Randy's old office for Tyler to inhabit. And let me tell you ~ overwhelming!

Randy's brand new studio ~ office!
What also jump-started this whole project was finding over 400 square feet of brand new carpet tiles on Craig's List. That's enough to do this room (for around $100.00) plus another! We LOVE carpet tiles... and these were the perfect color, 18x18 and rubber backing. You don't even glue them down... and I dare you to find the seams. And if an area gets ruined or stained, you just replace a tile. That's it. 

And then I found that red IKEA chair on Craig's List on Saturday for $40.00. Seriously, the most comfortable chair with the perfect neck support for my 6'2" husband. And I'm telling you, like brand new! I was anticipating a faded washed-out red fabric. Nope, mint condition. And what I love about IKEA, the slip covers are removable and machine washable. 

I found the IKEA lamp stand at a yard sale a year ago for $5.00. I couldn't believe how it matches the chair perfectly. The armless chair (for playing guitar) was $4.00 at the ARC. We stopped there to drop off our cast-offs, on our way to pick up the red chair. I know, two awesome chairs in one day! And the steel shelving unit was $75.00 at Lowes. Again, love the carpet!

Randy is using my two banquet tables till we can find the perfect counter top and cabinets on Craig's List. The floating shelves and the other shelf were IKEA 'as is' finds from years ago.

That wooden drawer unit is one of my all-time favorite finds... half-off at Goodwill for $15.00. I found it years ago and it holds a ton of stuff.

Check out the vintage galvanized pail on rollers that Randy is using to store all his cords. He was not at all in favor of the idea at first, but quickly realized how handy it is to roll it out and gather up his cords when setting up for a recording session. And come on, what's a room remodel without a little galvanized goodness anyway!

Oh and please forgive me while I shamelessly plug my husband's brand new blog ~ 

I am so excited to share my studio/ office transformation post at ~


  1. Holy Cow, that looks great! I'm sure my husband will be drooling over all the recording equipment when I show it to him!

  2. The bedroom I grew up with is officially non-existent. The addage is true: You can't go home again.

    It looks amazing! Sort of bitter that you made the duct changes AFTER I moved out of that room. hahaha

    Love the chair :)

  3. It's just so wonderful Linda!
    And I love how you pull it together with Craig's list and garage sale finds and make it look like a million bucks!
    Hope to see you soon my friend!
    Second week in August I think.

  4. It looks great! Hey, if Randy has any old/extra recording equipment that he's getting rid of, Andrew might be interested.
