Sunday, August 14, 2011

a wedding in Cornville

I love everything about weddings. 
And nowadays, they are so unique to the couple. So one of a kind, anything goes affairs.
Unlike years ago, when everyone had that predictable, cookie-cutter wedding.

Saturday we drove 2 hours to Cornville, AZ
to attend Shane & Coley's wedding at the Living Water Retreat Center.
Oh my gosh, one of the most breathtaking wedding venues ever!

Everywhere you looked there were oodles of photo ops.
And Emolyn wore the most darling vintage dress I've ever seen.
Oh, and I found my lace blouse that very morning at a yard sale for one dollar!

Elsie Lane in a turquoise smocked dress ~ well, it just about pushed me to my cuteness limit.

Emolyn Kate needed a little lipstick touchup just moments before the ceremony started.
Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do... to be at her utmost cuteness.

Here's the coolest part of this wedding ~ the reception.
We all brought our own picnic dinners and gathered around tables and blankets.
And many signed up to bring delicious desserts to share.
Good thing I took this picture, because my lemon bars were snatched up quickly.

John & Beckie (Emolyn & Elsie's other set of grandparents) 
set up their darling vintage travel trailer and served street tacos for everyone.


Have I ever told how much I want to hang vintage colored globe lights 
from the trees in our backyard patio? 
Well, I do... and this one almost sent me over the edge with envy! 
You can be sure I'll be pinning this on my Pinterest board immediately upon posting. 

When we finally got ready to leave, the dance floor was a rockin'.
As I was refilling my glass with lemonade for the trip home,
I asked the bride if she was planning a trash the dress photo shoot.
She whispered that her & Shane were planning on jumping in the pond later that night
for that very reason! I can hardly wait to see those photos!

I will leave you with these trash the dress google images that will blow you away!


  1. Beautiful! I copied the pic of the canopy into my OneNote file for wedding ideas. Have a few coming up....maybe next summer? :)

  2. I would have snatched up your lemon bars too!!!

  3. Wish we could have been there! I bought two vintage pendant lights a year or so ago, but I need to get them rewired before I hang them anywhere. I love the idea of hanging them from the trees. Did you see Shane and Coley's pond photo on FB?
