Thursday, May 31, 2012

biscuits & lemon curd

Oh my goodness, biscuits & lemon curd are the best. Ok, lemon curd alone is the best!
But seriously, homemade biscuits & lemon curd with fruit spread and whipping cream is about as good as it gets.

It helps that I had a bumper crop of lemons this year, in which I usually freeze Zip-lock bags of lemon juice cubes & lemon zest for future pans of lemon bars. 

And I also freeze lemonade syrup for quick gallons of lemonade to cool us off throughout the hot summer months.

But my favorite is lemon curd. 
This is the recipe I use and it's made in the microwave! So quick & easy!
My Mother-in-law makes the best pound cake and man oh man does it ever taste good with a dollop of lemon curd on top! 
I put together this quick & easy basket of sweet & tart for Shawn & Nicole when they got home from the hospital after the twins were born. Sometimes we're not always able to bring an entire meal to a loved one, but maybe a basket full of homemade goodness is just what they need to munch on between those delicious meals that others are dropping off. 


  1. Yum! Speaking of pound cake, my friend Ruth said to take a pound cake, slice it into layers, and spread the lemon curd between the layers. Then you can ice it with whipped cream. Totally want to try that!

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    That looks delicious! Can we have some one night at home group? mouth is watering.
