Monday, June 04, 2012

TYCO Lego Phone

  • Has this ever happened to you? After listening to Amy Grant's Lead Me On CD over the weekend, I had Saved By Love stuck in my head. So this morning while pinning on Pinterest and singing Saved By Loved out loud, I clicked to a site named Saved By Love Creations. I know ~ kinda creepy, but way cool.
  • Today is National Cheese Day. So I thought I'd share this ~ years ago my brother-in-law Dave was in one of those Cheese/ Gift Houses, when the lady next to him said "I LOVE CHEESES!" ~ in which Dave replied "WELL JESUS LOVES YOU TOO!". True story. 
  • Who would have ever thought a vineyard & winery would some day exist in the little farming community where I grew up near Osseo, Wisconsin! Check it out ~ Sandstone Ridge Vineyard & Winery.
  • I may finally have enough yard sticks to make a tabletop like THIS.
  • The YouTube video I made as a tribute to my Dad ~ "So God Made a Farmer" ~ is averaging over 1000 visits per month. That makes me so happy.
  • Just for the heck of it, I looked to see what I was blogging about 5 years ago this week ~ vintage chenille! You can read that post HERE.
  • I love Legos. So you can imagine my excitement when I found a TYCO Lego Phone (from the 80's) at The ARC in Tempe. And it really works and has the sweetest ringtone. And yes, it has a drawer on the side, that you fill with Legos, so you can build stuff while talking on the phone. And yes, we still have a landline. Thank God.


  1. Oh my goodness...that is way cute! My grandson would flip!

  2. That ARC is a treasure-trove, I'm telling you! LOVE that phone!
