Wednesday, June 06, 2012

a mountain retreat

Terry & Nancy ~ Randy & Linda ~ Andy & Julie ~ Jay & Sharon
What do you get when you gather forever friends together for a weekend in the mountains? 
Joy. Laughter. Bliss (a spiritual blessedness). Oh yes, we were blessed. 
Jubilee (a celebration of sorts). Oh yes, we celebrated Julie's birthday, but also 30+ years of friendships among these four dear couples.

 We stayed in this beautiful 3200 square foot mountain retreat above Payson.
A beautiful, peaceful sanctuary where you can experience nature, relax by the creek and enjoy the stunning views. You can check it out ~ HERE.

The east Verde River was mere steps from our lovely accommodations.

The weekend was filled with lots of fun & fellowship... but the food was out of this world!

Friday's hearty meal was followed by a little concert ~ thanks to Randy & Terry.

Then it was time for some serious hiking the next day. 

 Oh my, beauty abounding around every bend and corner.

I love the contrast of rusty, old surfaces against soft, fresh petals.

I have this thing for weathered, old barbed-wire. Probably because it was such a part of growing up on the farm. We were always crawling under or in-between barbed-wire fencing wherever we went. Oh the clothes we tore up while exploring the countryside.

Some of you already know this about me...
but I'd take a mountain creek over the ocean any day. I love the quiet, calm of a trickling creek. Reminds me of the creeks back home in Wisconsin. 

Nancy ~ Sharon ~ Julie ~ Linda
Thank you Julie for inviting us along and then lavishing us with such a memorable weekend! 
I am especially grateful for these precious women in my life who love and accept me fully.
who speak truth when I have forgotten what is true.
I am forever blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    What an awesome time! I loved being with you!
