Monday, July 23, 2012

cozy camping with Emolyn

This was not only our first camping trip with our granddaughter Emolyn, but the first time taking our cozy cottage on wheels (travel trailer) to an actual paid campground. And let me tell you what ~ amazing! Totally impressed with Lynx Lake. Seriously, who doesn't appreciate clean toilets, water spigots and dumpsters close by, and the luxury of leveling our travel trailer on asphalt! And so private, peaceful, quiet and woodsy. As in, no quads or cycles allowed. Yes!

I'll be honest with you, I was a little nervous about being in a campground, and leaving on a Saturday morning. And sure enough, when we arrived, the campground was FULL. But we persevered and drove up to the hilltop campgrounds at Lynx Lake and just as an RV pulled out, we pulled into their perfect site. Thank you Lord for answered prayer!
And we had no sooner than unloaded when the thunder started rumbling all around us. But Emolyn & I came prepared. But no rains till later that night, while we were sleeping. Btw, later that day, my favorite pen sort of exploded on that outfit... it was quickly deposited in that handy dandy dumpster near our campsite. Both pen & cute outfit. 

Randy & I enjoyed reading several books to Emolyn, one of which we adored titled "Don't Forget To Write" ~ about a girl that travels to her Grandpa's farm to stay with her Grandpa & Aunt Mabel. Such a sweet story. Emolyn even liked us calling her Old Ginger Nut, just like Rosie's Grandpa called Rosie. 

So like I said, Lynx Lake is quiet and peaceful and woodsy... and 3 miles from Costco! I know! So we hopped in the van, drove to Costco, got Emolyn a warm Churro ~ literally the length of one of her newborn twin brothers ~ and spent the evening at the Lake.

So beautiful. So enchanting and mesmerizing ~ both Emolyn and the lake.

The clouds swirled and changed moment by moment.

This was Emolyn's favorite photo. She had so much fun playing with the other kids that were also splashing around on the concrete boat ramp.

Randy and Koda sat so still, just taking in the beauty surrounding them.

We ended the night with a bonfire till the winds picked up and a storm moved in.
Emolyn could have sat in her pink camping chair staring into the fire for hours.

Randy ended up sleeping on a mattress in the van while Emolyn & I had the king-size bed in the travel trailer. When my cell phone rang at 5:30 Sunday morning ~ I was already awake. It was Randy telling me to look outside my window at the sunrise. 

Oh. My. Word. Simply breathtaking!

Needless to say, Emolyn woke up too ~ and what an early morning happy camper!

Of course her and Koda knew what morning meant ~ BACON!!!

My little Happy Camper ~
I found that t-shirt at a yard sale in the dead of winter for 50 cents. I could hardly wait for Emolyn to wear it on her first cozy camping trip with her Mimi & Pop Pop! And yes, Emolyn now calls our travel trailer Cozy. It's the cutest thing.

I've been using these old Tupperware trays for years, but wised up last year when I realized those Dollar Store square plates fill perfectly inside the tray. More functional and makes for easy clean-up.

And that vintage thermo mug is filled with some pretty darn good coffee ~ Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Christmas Blend. I got the 8-packet after Christmas at Target ~ 90% off ~ for 69 cents. I'm not a fan of Starbucks, but this was the perfect cup of coffee for camping in our cozy cottage.

We had fun teaching Emolyn old camping folk songs ~
"I've Been Working on the Railroad" being her favorite. At one point we were unsure of a few words, so Randy googled the lyrics and low & behold we found out there's more to this beloved folk song. Umm, let's just say, rather risque. Another words, we didn't teach Emolyn that last verse.
But did she ever love belting out the "someone's in the kitchen with Dina" part ~ and most likely she's finishing up with the "strummin' on the old banjo" line. ha!

Her favorite part of camping ~ going for walks on the hiking trails. Her Pop Pop had to carry her home after our last hike. She was plumb tuckered out.

All in all, a very good trip. Not sure what we would have done had we not gotten that last spot, so we will know to come prepared with a plan B on our next trip, or leave on a Friday after work for a better chance of getting a site. Emolyn was so fun and easy and appreciative. She never whines or complains. Such a delight.
And as always when I get away, I am powerfully reminded of God's faithfulness, His provision, His deep love for me. I don't always see it when I am in it, but when I'm removed from my circumstances, I can see His hand in the day to day of life. So I will choose to trust Him... no matter what.

Oh and you gotta check out the lost buried treasure that Randy uncovered while dousing the fire.
Click HERE for the story and pics.


  1. Looks like a beautiful spot...My husband and I are just aching to get away for a weekend....

  2. Awesome blog you have herre
