Monday, September 24, 2012

Miranda's Bridal Shower

She would pretend and play dress-up from the time she awoke ~ by the time she could walk & talk. When we'd drive to Wisconsin every summer, I would pack duffle bags full of dress-up clothes and she would flit from one character to another the entire trip. On one particular visit to her Aunt Ginny's home, she even donned my sister's wedding dress. And we had ourselves a photo shoot with a three year old that believed with all her heart that she was getting married.

And now she really is ~ like for reals! My beautiful daughter is getting married! 
And over the weekend the festivities began with a bang ~ Miranda's Bridal Shower!

Her Daddy captured this moment just before Miranda & I left for the shower at the SunUp Brewery in Phoenix. What a cool, rustic venue for a girl's gathering!

The Original You Are Special Today Red Plate came out in 1979, the year that Randy & I were married. When we moved into our first home in 1983, our dear friends bought us the Red Plate as a housewarming gift. I can't even begin to tell you how overjoyed I was to implement the Red Plate Tradition in our home. Our son Shawn was one, so we immediately started faithfully using the Red Plate for birthdays and special occasions with family, friends and loved ones that shared a meal in our home.
And now Aaron & Miranda will begin the Red Plate tradition in their home!

It is so surreal watching my daughter, so poised and confident and gracious. I'm in awe of her capacity and gifting, but even more so, her sensitivity in loving others so well.

Yes, it is one thing to love and do for others, but to watch my daughter let others love and serve and celebrate her is quite another. So proud of her and the woman she has become and the evidence of Christ living in Miranda. She's a remarkable woman. Oh, and I should probably tell you that Miranda means "admirable, extraordinary".  And that she is.
I have said this for years and I will say it again ~ 
I want to grow up and be just like my daughter.

1 comment:

  1. How absolutely wonderful Linda!
    What a great party for a special young woman.
    Sounds like she inherited a lot of her Mom's amazing qualities.
    And you look your dress!
    Hugs friend,
