Tuesday, March 06, 2007

colorful cookbooks

I love old cookbooks... the vivid colored covers... the beautiful illustrations.
These are some of my favorites and the latest year printed.

Betty Crocker's Outdoor Cook Book- 1961
The American Woman's Cook Book- 1956
Betty Crocker's Good and Easy Cook Book- 1954
Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book- 1950
Watkins Cookbook- 1938 (found at a little thrift store for 25 cents in Westcliffe, CO in 1985)

Take a look at the inside cover from The American Woman's Cookbook! Is this not the most pretty Petits Fours picture ever! My jaws are actually aching for a taste! By the way, they were all found at yard sales or thrift stores... 25 cents to a dollar for each.


Aimz said...

Oh I do love those old cookery books, they have the best recipes in them don't they?

Anonymous said...

So we share a love :-)

Nancy said...

I love your old cookbooks and such pretty "food" pictures. I had a computer crash and had lost your web page address for awhile but I am back!

Sandy said...

I love to READ cookbooks! Those look like fun. I have some oldies too.
Love the lemons too. From your yard?

LBP said...

I love cookbooks, especially the ones from the 1940's- 1970's. I love the picture and I read the recipes like a novel. I have at last count almost 800 cookbooks. (I need therapy I'm sure) LOL

Peta said...

Those cakes are gorgeous, they would make a lovely decoration!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Just wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment...please come back again!

I've enjoyed my visit to your blog. Love the roses...they are gorgeous, your collection of old cookbooks and thrift store finds. I'll be back to visit again soon!