Wednesday, March 21, 2007

old sewing machines

Found this little handy dandy sewing machine at Savers for 99 cents along with the instruction booklet. What do you think... the 50's? This little baby does it all... regular stitching, basting, zig-zag and blind stitching. And it also sews on buttons. It holds smaller wooden spools and came with the spool that you see in the Dexter.

Many years ago I had my husband bring back my Grandma's old Montgomery Wards sewing machine. He had gone to Wisconsin to do some concerts in his little Honda hatchback. And of course I had to have him bring me back something! I mean, it was just him in the car. So picture this... my Grandma's old peddle machine, a big old milk can and an oak plant stand all packed in his little car. Oh and don't forget his guitar, cases of CD's, suitcase, the usual. Poor guy, he couldn't even pull over, recline his seat and take a nap as he likes to do while traveling. So yes, I think I can safely say that my husband is the King of Husbandom. Seriously, he's the best!


Betty Jo said...

I've never seen a machine like the little vintage one. Amazing! Love the other machine, and so glad you have it. xoxo

Unknown said...

What a sweetie of a husband! I like how you have it displayed with the old jars of buttons. Cute!

LA said...

What a nice piece of Grandma's. I love how you display it. Sounds like you have a gem of a guy there.

The newest machine is adorable.

Cheers! LA

Becca said...

Ah, I love a good sewing machine story.

Sandy said...

I have my Grandma's piano.
Love the machine!
You've been thrifting again .. without me! LOL!

Aimz said...

I haven't seen one like that old one either. But I DO like your old singer machine :-)

Candy Duell said...

I also have never seen a machine like the little vintage one How neat is that?!

jungle dream pagoda said...

Your hub definitely gets special recognition for that,is he a musician? Gee,I guess he would have to be! I love that tiny machine,and the inherited one is extra special!