Saturday, March 10, 2007

my lady

My Lady in all her splendor and glory. She will continue to bloom even more, till you can hardly see the foliage. Because the Lady Banks blooms for such a short period of time, I have to really love the foliage. And I do love the texture and shape and varigated colors of her foliage. And when she is done blooming, we will prune her back... otherwise she would eventually take over our entire home.

Note that only two days have passed since the last entrance pic was taken for the last post.


Aimz said...

So pretty! What an entranceway :-)

Sandy said...

Gorgeous! I'm jealous ...
Check out my beautiful flowers on my front porch ...
Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I prefere this white snow to mine icy cold one.....

Becca said...

Beautiful roses, Linda. I have become a fanatic about antique roses recently. I heard you can root a rose by sticking it into a potato and then planting the whole thing!

homespun living said...

So beautiful~I wish my climbing roses would get that big. Debbie

Betty Jo said...

OMGosh how pretty is the rose vine and your entryway. Does it smell as lovely as it looks? I think I would park a chair right in the door and just hang out there for a spell. xoxo