Tuesday, March 27, 2007

pink candy dishes

During Tyler's birthday party on Saturday... while 25 boys were in the middle of an 8 hour Texas Holdem Tournament... Miranda and I snuck out to Goodwill's half off sale! I found these two pink pedestal candy dishes for 99 cents each! Love em! I am using my 'too pretty to use' crocheted apron I got for a dollar, as a center piece doily. Too cute!
But I can't believe I almost ate that whole dish of almond M&Ms! They were suppose to be for decoration... like maybe for a few weeks... is that too much to ask!! Well, back to the store for more!


LBP said...

What a great buy! They are beautiful and the apron is awesome! It is so frilly. I keep having Easter candy jump out of candy dishes into my mouth. I sure hope the Easter Bunny will refill my stash>

Anonymous said...

I am almost licking the screen here :-)

NanAZ said...

Those will look nice next to your aqua collection as well. I realize that my chocolate stash is getting low from Valentine's Day...good thing Easter is just around the corner!! I like the way the "Chocolate" Holidays are spaced so nicely apart... Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, (o.k. my birthday in July), Halloween, then Christmas...!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Gotta love Goodwill! Ours quit having half-price days a few months ago...... Oh well, still great deals to be found!
(I LOVE M&Ms :)

Diana LaMarre said...

Adorable apron! I can tell you they would not last 2 weeks at my house!
You are the luckiest person I know when it comes to thrifting! I wish you lived near me so I could tag along and find those good buys!

Lovella ♥ said...

You totally deserve every one of those and plenty more. I had a few handfuls of treats when my boys moved out.

I hope the adjustment will come very quickly.
The little candy dishes are very sweet. Good shopping.

Becca said...

You are right! The apron is too pretty to use and I love it as the centerpiece with the pink dishes as the. We are having to get creative with my doily collection here as well!

Unknown said...

Love the dishes and that apron! Definitely too cute to use--can you imagine spilling something on that beauty? eek! I have a yellow and white crocheted one that's similar but I love the bright variegated thread on yours!

Anonymous said...

Cute dishes, but I love the crocheted piece underneath!! and what a steal.

Nancy said...

As always, you found some great "stuff". I have a hard time not eating the candy too.

Aimz said...

Simply gorgeous! I'd put them on the table too :-)

Funky Finds said...

thank you for your well wishes on my blogiversary!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Linda, thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I love making new friends, so I'll be checking in again with you. So we both just turned 50...it's a milestone, huh? Thanks for your nice comments on my blog...I really appreciate it.

Southern Hospitality

Anonymous said...

Almond M&M's have no calories; I think it's in the Bible somewhere.

BTW, I don't think my blog link works when I post a comment here...you should stop by at 360.yahoo.com/skerrib
