So, what's a girl to do, but have a giveaway. And with this being so last minute... and with Randy's Christmas music playing in my head because of all the rehearsals for his concert, why not his Christmas CD. I really think you will love it. And I also want you to have his newest release, that I love like my first born child. OK, I'm kidding. Well, sorta. And in case you're wondering, I do sing with him on his CDs.
So anyway, I thought, why not a 2 CD set giveaway! And who knows, I might throw in a surprise or two.

My whole intent wasn't to do a traditional Christmas album. (I have always said that I didn't want it to be 'Randy Thompson does "Perry Como does Christmas"'). I really wanted to try and break through some of the tradition and the stuff that has come to surround this event and see it again, if only in glimpses, the way it was. The third year we did the concert I added a song that I wrote in the 3 days prior to the concert and which has become the opening song on the album - 'We Want to See Jesus'. One of the lines also ended up becoming the title of the album and a simple way of expressing my desire in this whole project - to see this event that we are so familiar with 'Through Different Eyes'.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”
With each day that I spend as an alien and stranger on this desert planet I become more aware of my ever growing hunger and thirst for Christ. I have also become aware that being hungry and thirsty are not something to try and avoid, but rather, they are a gift of God, to continue to draw me to His Son. He is the only one who can satisfy. He is the fountain of living water that never runs dry.
If you would like to win this 2 CD set giveaway for yourself or someone else, then comment by answering this question-
What Christmas CD do you listen to over & over, that will most likely be the first CD you play once the Thanksgiving table is cleared?
I have a whole post planned about my favorite and our extensive Christmas music collection. So stay tuned.
I will be drawing the winner 8 PM Black Friday. (Phoenix time)
Be sure to comment with your email if you don't have a blog.
Thanks everyone for your love and support for these past 500 posts! Who knew I had it in me. I surely didn't. I knew I had the gift of gab, but seriously, 500 posts!
Wow, I'm the first? I'd love to win the CD, Linda. Congrats on 500! Big accomplishment and you've blessed a lot of lives! Happy TG!
I LOVE Randy's music ...
The main Christmas CDs I listen to are ... Harry Connick Jr, Barenaked Ladies .... and the Elf soundtrack
Linda, congratulations on such a terrific milestone, 500 blogs, wow. Now, that's surely enough for a book. Have I mentioned that before? I've got two cd's with a variety of Christmas songs that range from Bing Crosby's White Christmas to Ertha Kitt's Santa Baby. Even has Chuck Berry's Run, Run Rudolph. Now, back to what I was saying earlier. How about that book of your blogs????
Congrats on # 500.
God has blessed you and hubby with awesome talent
love always
jeff roselli
Congrats!!! With 2 little ones under 4 we really wear out the Alvins and the Chipmunks Holiday cd:) I would love to add some "adult" music to our collection! Thanks!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com
500 posts?? Are you kidding me? Oh, I so want the put my name in the hat!!
I didn't see any fine print about family members being excluded so I am going to go ahead and play along (don't worry I usually don't win anything anyway:)
My favorite Christmas cd is a celtic one I got at target...I love celtic music!
I too would love to win the collection I love all of Randys songs. 500 blogs WOW keep them coming. ginny
Oh Congratulations Linda!
500 posts, that's amazing! The CD looks wonderful and what a neat family affair! Guess What? It just started snowing here about 20 minutes ago, it really looks pretty! I already have my outdoor lights on for Christmas and it's very currier and ives looking. Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving too! Cindy
Hey Linda, You don't have to put me in the drawing because I already have and love Randy's CD's. Some of my favorite Christmas CD's besides Randy's are: Muppet Christmas Carol, Sesame Street Christmas, Peter, Paul and Mary, and oh so many more. It's hard to believe that we can start playing Christmas music tomorrow night! I can't believe that I've already past 500 posts. It does fly by, doesn't it?
Hope you have an awesome day with the family.
500 posts! Woo! That's a whole lotta bloggin! : )
All of my Christmas cd's were stolen from a storage a couple of years ago and I haven't replaced them yet, so I don't have one that I am currently playing over and over. HOWEVER, silly as it may seem, my favorite in the world is The Muppets Christmas cd! We had the vinyl when my kids were small and we played it then until it was unplayable. We still have the album, though.
Hi Linda,
My name is Noelle, and I work with Beckie and Nicole at Banner Thunderbird. I pop in on your blog every now and then, and enjoy reading your stories of family and faith and also adore your little camper (cute!), anyway... I love Bing Crosby, and his music in White Christmas and Holiday Inn. Two movies we watch every year at Christmas time.
Have a wonderful holiday season and happy blogging!
Congratulations on your 500th post!
Noelle Trinder
Well I cutting it right under the wire for the deadline!!
I listen to Handels Messiah every Christmas and then there is the Carpenters Christmas- oh my, showin my age!!
I would love to have commented and answered your Christmas CD question, (I haven't been able to get on the internet for weeks!), but I think the Christmas CD I listen to over and over is Randy's Through Different Eyes! That and Bethleham's Treasure that ODF did many years ago.
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