I worked outside the home for the last time. 25 years ago our firstborn son Shawn was born and I have been a full-time Mom ever since. For the past 25 years I have poured my life into being a wife to Randy, Mom to Shawn (25), Miranda (22) & Tyler (18) and being a homemaker. And I have loved every moment. Ok, not every single moment, but you know what I mean.
When Randy and I got married we talked about my staying home when we had children. Both of our Mom's were stay-at-home Mom's, so we were ready and willing to sacrifice whatever it would take for me to stay home with the kids till they were all out of school. I did not want to look back one day and have regrets. I just knew
FOR ME, I needed to stay home with my kids. Anyway, looking back on those early years, so much of who I am today was formed as Randy & I entered fulltime ministry and started our family and began totally trusting the Lord to meet our every need. And let me tell you, it wasn't always easy. There were many lean years that to this day I don't know how we managed. So many stories, so many miracles. Someday I will tell them.
I was 'forced' to shop second hand and yard sales (ok, not really, I have always loved yard sales!). We intentionally settled on a lifestyle that would not put us in debt. In our 28 years of marriage Randy & I have paid interest on a home and a vehicle... but we have never had any other debt. In saying these things, I am in no way making any kind of statement. These were
OUR own personal convictions. I am humbled as I look back on how the Lord provided and cared for our little family. Beyond humbled... and forever grateful.

Well, last week our third-born Tyler graduated from high school and well, my career as a full-time Mom is over. Did you hear what I said? My "career" as a full-time Mom is over. I will always be a Mom forever & ever... but well, more like Mom-On-Call. You know, always willing and ready to be there and to do whatever, whenever I am needed.
Soooo, now what? Well... I am starting a part-time job at our church next week and just between you and me, I am kinda nervous. No, lota nervous! But excited too. And who do you suppose my boss is... ya, my husband! That should be interesting. No, he's so fun and cute and awesome. How can I not want to be there! I will keep you posted.