I am sooo thrilled that we are having lots of rain here in Phoenix! Makes me so happy and well, rain makes it feel so wintery. I can pretend there is snow on the ground and that I am stuck indoors with the woodstove all fired up and the house all warm and cozy.
SO, I had to make myself some yummy hot chocolate. What makes it so yummy you may ask? Well, it's a secret. But I will tell you my little secret. Make yourself a steaming mug of hot chocolate and then... add a splash of Peppermint Schnapps! Oh my gosh, what could be more festive during the Holidays on a dark, rainy afternoon! And then, here's the topper... literally, the topper... add a dollop of FROZEN Cool Whip. Yes, frozen! Seriously, try it. You will never go back to marshmellows. ever. again.
So, that and my peanut MnM's on a cold, rainy day... mmmm, simply priceless.

Love displaying my Waechtersbach Christmas dishes from Germany every year!! They are truly my pride and joy of all my Christmas collections!
Many, many years ago I found six 'irregular' plates at a Christmas liquidation store for $6.00 each. I never dreamed I would ever add to those six plates. But over the years I found 4 complete place settings at a little thrift store in Pine, Arizona for $25.00! That is like the cost of one single plate! And then I got several more place settings and the matching wine glasses from my cousin Shelly. She brought them back from Germany many years ago. Can you believe it! I am forever grateful.

THEN, while Randy & I were back in Wisconsin in October, my sister Ginny surprised me with "The Star" baking dish!! She had found it for a deal. (retails for over $40.00!) Oh and that big serving bowl was a TJ Max find for $5.00!

Linking up