What are the chances that about the time that Phoenix hits 111 degrees, we get to head out to Newport Beach in California for Amy & Danny's wedding! Oh my gosh, the weather could not have been more perfect and the wedding was the most beautiful, fun & festive wedding ever!
Amy is the daughter of two of our dearest friends John & Stacey. We have watched Amy grow up and then watched Amy & Danny fall in love. What a precious couple! And when I saw Amy walking down the aisle with her proud Daddy, I was so overcome with emotion that the tears just started flowing...
... and continued throughout the ceremony. By the time Miranda sang the song "Daddy" by Kendall Payne, I was a puddle. Seriously, I have yet to listen to that song without crying. And Miranda made us all cry, especially the Dads. She sang like an angel. Miranda's own Daddy accompanied her on the guitar and it took everything in him not to fall apart. Miranda had to sing it dozens of times while in England in order for her to sing without crying. She's amazing.
And look who almost stole the show... yup, my little grandbaby Emolyn and all her cuteness. And get this, it was Amy's brother's wedding a year ago when Emolyn made her first public appearance. I blogged about Caleb & Kali's wedding HERE. And now a whole year later Emolyn is walking and well, as cute-as-a-bug!
Miranda brought back this gorgeous aqua dress for Emolyn from Greece. And she was actually striking these Grecian Goddess poses that just cracked us up!
She loved the whole party scene. When the dancing started, she kept saying "Wow! Wow! Wow!"
Miranda snapped this pic of the two of us. Love it!
Shawn, Nicole & Emolyn could not look any sweeter.
Um, I take that back... this image is far sweeter. I mean, come on, have you ever seen such eye candy lovely sweetness in all your days?! These darling glass jars were placed at our table setting, for us to fill at the candy bar. And well, euphoric, tickled pink, happy as a clam... just small attempts at conveying my complete and utter joy.
I love wedding party favors! Especially when it's candy, the color aqua, displayed in all shapes & sizes of apothecary jars. (she sighs)
Be sure to enlarge the above pic. Do you see what Amy is feasting on? Yes, mashed potatoes in a martini glass!! Yesiree! The Marriott knows how to do a mashed potato bar like no other!
The dance was so much fun! Here we have the groom Danny gettin his groove on. And let me tell you, that's all it took. Everyone spilled onto the dance floor and just danced the night away!
I didn't want the night to end. I didn't want to leave Newport Beach. I didn't want to go back to my reality. (she sighs heavily) But I did.