Sunday, November 18, 2018

Randy Thompson CDs ~ CD Baby

Randy's 8 CDs are now available for download and physical copy through CD Baby.
Click HERE

You can also order CDs by contacting me ~

My very favorite Christmas CD ~ Through Different Eyes
You will not only want this playing throughout the Christmas season, but year-round! 

Thank you so much for supporting and promoting Randy's music. 
Means more than you will ever know.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Dementia/ Memory Care

My husband Randy will be placed in a Memory Care facility in Gilbert, AZ Thursday, July 19th. 

I could never have imagined typing those words. Even though I know it's time, I am heartbroken. And trusting God with every breath I take.

I remember reading that grieving your loved one’s initial diagnosis, their placement in a facility, and their actual death are very much the same. And they are right. 

Needless to say, Randy & I need your prayers now more than ever ~

~ that Randy would adjust to his new surroundings as best as can be expected
~ that he would feel God’s love, peace and presence
~ that he would know my overwhelming love for him
~ that he would thrive
~ that he would be their favorite

My dear friends Ralph and Linda (the other Linda Larson) arrived July 6th to be here for Randy & I as we transition. They insisted on staying a couple weeks after Randy is placed so as to be here for me. As the days and weeks draw near, I am more and more aware that was a good call and a precious gift from God.

Please pray ~

~ that I would trust the Lord, rest in the Lord and be strong and courageous
~ that He would protect me from the enemy's lies
~ for my health... as anxiety and stress have taken a toll
~ that I would savor the sweet moments, rather than fear the future
~ that I would sense God’s presence as never before
~ that ALTCS (AZ Long Term Care) would be approved in a timely manner

Thanking God ~

~ that his memory care facility is only 2 minutes from my job in Gilbert
~ that I can visit him every day after work
~ that Scott Fisher @ Foundation for Senior Living recommended this facility, not even knowing it’s proximity to my work
~ for my amazing team that has walked with me every step of the way 
~ my elder law attorney Emily Taylor and her assistant Jessica 
~ my dear friend and financial planner Joe Scheid
~ my son-in-law Aaron for his wisdom, counsel and compassion 
~ for dear friends near and far that have visited, called, text and emailed me words of encouragement, affirmation and Truth. I can’t tell you how many times fear and anxiety overwhelmed me to the core... thinking I could not do this another day… and I would get a call or text. They had no idea... but God did.

And finally, I thank God for everything. And I mean everything. I don’t understand everything, but I can truly thank Him. I am trusting God’s love for me, His character, His faithfulness, His ever present help in times of trouble. He is transforming me. He is fighting for me. He is the strength of my heart. And my portion forever. He allowed this. He is using it. He is all I need. He is enough.

And I am so thankful God continues to use Randy’s music and lyrics. I get monthly emails, CD orders and testimonials from people all around the country. And most of them had no idea about Randy's diagnosis until I linked them to his story on my blog. Their heartfelt stories are a powerful testament of Christ in Randy, his calling, faithfulness and humble service in sharing the death, resurrection and love of Jesus.

Randy always said at every concert ~ 

“We are aliens and strangers. This is not our home. I long for the day when I can stand before Jesus and hear Him say “Well done good and faithful servant”.” 

I long for that day too. 

Oh how I miss my husband. My friend. My helpmate. My truth teller. The love of my life. 

However will I do this life without him by my side?

You can read his Frontotemporal dementia story HERE.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

flowers from my husband

Invariably the weight of caring for a loved one with dementia takes its toll and we hit rock bottom. Recently I had one of those days. I woke up with a dark cloud over my head. Fear of the unknown, the future, overwhelmed me. I didn't know how I could do another day. I missed my husband so much that dying of a broken heart seemed quite possible. I missed his hugs, his comforting words, his calming spirit. I missed doing life with my best friend. So I prayed and cried out to God for His strength, peace and joy.

As I made my way home from work that day, with tears pouring down my face, I once again surrendered my hurting heart to Jesus. With what little faith I had, I thanked Him for His faithfulness, His provision, His love. I knew I was not alone. He was with me. I may feel lonely, but I am never alone.

Shortly after I arrived home, someone I had recently met in the healthcare business, came to my door with a huge bouquet of flowers. I was stunned. No way. You see, to me, these gorgeous flowers were without a doubt, a gift from God. To me. From my husband. I was undone. I hugged and thanked her, and when she left I collapsed on the couch and had a good cry. Once again "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, and set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40:2 Thank you Jesus!

Then Randy arrived home. When he walked in the door and saw the flowers, I hugged him so tightly and thanked him over and over for sending me flowers. You guys, the look on his face was priceless. He was beaming and repeated over and over "I sent you flowers!". Every day till the flowers were withered and gone, I thanked him over and over for sending me flowers, for loving me so well, for being my husband. And every day, he would say over and over "I know! I sent you flowers!". And my love for him grew sweeter than ever.

Randy rarely ventures outside, 
but when he does he loves the solar water fountain in our birdbath.
My grandson loves it too. And so do the hummingbirds.
Check it out HERE

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Frontotemporal dementia update

My husband Randy Thompson has
behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia
If you are new to my blog, you can read his story HERE.

  • I love seeing him sitting out on our patio. And yes, these days are numbered as the temps are rising here in Phoenix
  • he's always saying "I think you're going to make me chicken with tomato sauce"
  • I have never made such a dish 😊
  • he recently lost the 20# he gained 4 years ago after his FTD diagnose
  • hard to believe it was 4 years ago this month
  • but the symptoms go back to 2011
  • love the art pieces he brings home from his adult day care
  • started touring memory care facilities. So hard to imagine that one day...
  • he whispered "I love you" the other day. Out of the blue
  • he's unable to carry on a conversation, instead repeats everything I say
  • so as you can imagine, it was a big deal
  • he is totally oblivious to the guys that are remodeling our master bathroom
  • he loves taking our dog Koda for walks
  • he repeats over & over "That's Koda!" the entire time we're walking
  • Randy recently ate an entire bag of organic dog treats overnight, that I had emptied in a jar on the counter
  • they were not the usual 99 Cent store hard biscuit dog treats
  • so he thought they were people treats
  • I was pretty freaked out... but able to laugh about it now
  • such an unexpected, heartfelt reaction to meeting his new granddaughter Cora Jane
  • literally took my breath away as I captured the sacred moment 
  • my beautiful Cora Jane. Our 6th grandchild. Mimi & Pop Pop are so blessed.
  • love my letter board that I now call my memory board
  • scripture verses on the board that Randy loves reading every day
  • my latest memory verse ~ Romans 12:12
  • Randy just shaved his beard. Himself! (with my prompting) A miracle! Usually the neighbor has to hold his arms while I do it.
  • ok, it ain't pretty, but hey, I'll take it! 
  • attended my first dementia workshop this month. So helpful, informative... and emotional
  • Randy is still so sweet... never angry, sad, depressed or argumentative 
  • I think it's because our life is very quiet, routine and predictable. 
  • which makes him feel safe, secure and happy
  • my dear friend Alice captured this rare moment while visiting from PA
  • Love my husband so much... yet miss him terribly.