As I told you, I played with dolls until the day my Mom brought home a real 'doll' for me to play with when I was 12 years old. I knew then and there that I couldn't wait to get married and have my own kids!

About three years after Randy and I married we gave birth to Shawn on May 30, 1982. I couldn't believe he was all ours! I was so excited to bring him home in the pale yellow blanket that his Daddy had been brought home in 28 years before. I LOVED being a stay-at-home Mommy!
Shawn was the love of our life!

Then 2 1/2 years later we brought home our precious daughter Miranda in that very same yellow blanket... she was born Nov. 23, 1984. We were elated to say the least... we had our little Deucy Lamb (as her Daddy called her)! And now I could play with dolls again! We adored her!
Tyler became a part of our family 4 1/2 years after Miranda...
born Mar. 16, 1989. I really and truly thank God EVERY day for him! Randy and I would be empty-nesters
had he not come along. I LOVE being his Mom and
I love his tender heart. He too, was brought home in the
same blanket that his Daddy, brother and sister were brought
home in and all three wore the same sleeper that
I was given at Shawn's baby shower.
I am so thankful to have been a stay-at-home Mom for all these years. I got a job at a Christian Preschool when I moved out here to Phx and 5 years later, I put in my last day and Shawn was born two days later. Randy and I had made a decision when we got married that we would sacrifice WHATEVER for me to stay home with our kids. We may not have always had much... but nothing gave us greater peace than knowing the Lord was our Provider, that He was meeting our needs and that... well, I could stretch a buck like no other!!
But I can honestly say that there were times that I didn't handle it so well... often times fearful of the future... weary of living by faith. But the LORD was faithful... inspite of me. He blessed me with a loving, involved husband and kids that we are so proud of!
By the grace of God they are amazing kids... even though at times we didn't always feel like we were doing this parenting thing as well as we could have. I so appreciate it when Oprah says to her viewing audience that parenting is the hardest job ever! It really is...

Here they are... at their cousin Evan's wedding a couple months ago... thinking it would be funny to take the silver wedding rings decorating the tables and... to decorate their faces! (click on the pic to enlarge)
Come on, these can't be my babies!!!