Sunday, August 25, 2024

Our 45th Wedding Anniversary

Today was so special. I delivered a baby girl to Randy on our anniversary. 
Ok, I didn't actually deliver a baby, but I hand-delivered a baby doll for Randy to love & nurture. I found out this week that when the caregivers gave him a baby doll to hold, he spent 2 hours patting her and holding her gently. I was so surprised. But it got me to thinking... everyone needs someone or something to nurture, and Randy's instincts to nurture is so strong. He always loved babies. I remember his Mom telling me while we were dating that Randy was obsessed with babies from the time he was a little boy. 

Baby Darling even looks like our daughter Miranda. 
Oh how he loved being her Daddy!

Randy with our first born grandbaby Emolyn Kate. She's 16 now!
Oh how he loved being her Pop Pop!

He adored our three children, but especially as newborns. I remember nursing them, handing them over to him, crawling back into bed, while he would spend hours rocking them, burping them, patting them, walking them and singing to them. Often times it would be time to nurse again before he had even put them down to sleep. 
He loved the baby stage.

 Seeing him so tender and intuitive with Baby Darling brought me to tears. While he shows no expression, his gentle demeanor melts my heart. When I finally left, I had such a peace knowing he was caring for his baby. In his dementia world, he may even think he's caring for his daughter Miranda. Wouldn't that be the sweetest!


Anonymous said...

Oh Linda, this is so wonderful. I’m so grateful that you were willing to do this for Randy. Some people don’t think it’s appropriate, but if they could only see the joy that it gives their loved ones I’ve done this with so many dementia patient and so often they just love it.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this!! My hubby was 14 when his baby sister was born. His mom always told me she would wake up and find baby Mary in his arms. He always loved caring for our babies too. I think it’s beautiful to have this gift of love and nurturing deep in your dna. I know that your hubby is getting so much joy from caring for this baby. He just might think it is his daughter. I might get Chuck a baby doll. I think he’d love it too. What a beautiful gift