One of the things I love about the blogging community is that someone will post an image that will literally stop me in my tracks and takes me down roads that I had somehow forgotten. Like when I was a little girl and the McCall's magazine would arrive in the mailbox and I would immediately flip to the last page. And there she was...
Betsy McCall! I loved Betsy McCall paper dolls. I couldn't wait to see what she was wearing and to read about her latest adventure. How cool to have found this page on eBay, from the actual June, 1966 issue. Oh the hours I would spend pretending to be Betsy.
And speaking of magazines, I want to take a moment and thank my Mom for subscribing to so many wonderful, memorable magazines while growing up. We lived out in the country on a dairy farm so those weekly and monthly periodicals connected us to places far beyond our little borders. It helped expand our already vivid imaginations and give us a broader perspective of the world around us. So I called my sister Ginny to see how many magazines we could recall... of course
LIFE and
LOOK magazines,
McCALLS and several farm magazines. It's no wonder I love all kinds of magazines!

A few of you have mentioned that you had a Chatty Cathy doll growing up. Well, I had a
Charming Chatty doll (1962) and she was my favorite doll. She came with several little records that you would insert and when you pulled her string, she would say these cute little phrases. I adored her. You see, I was a rather chatty little girl myself (ok, still am), so it only made sense that I would have a doll to get chatty with. Well, it wasn't too long after that Christmas that one of my brothers broke the string. I was crushed. But we quickly sent her off on a long journey to get her repaired. Well, months later, after many trips to the mailbox, she was finally home... but a
brand new Charming Chatty! I knew it cuz she had that brand new smell again. I can still recall that smell!
Anyway, thanks to eBay, this is exactly how I remember her. Oh the memories that girl evokes... *sigh*