Could Emolyn be more wickedly cute! I think not.
This was actually the first time I was able to successfully give since I contracted the West Nile Virus 5 years ago. It was discovered when they were testing the blood I had given at a bloodmobile over Labor Day at our local Mall. By the time they called three days later I was very sick. Long story short, I had gotten bit by the mosquito exactly two weeks before I got sick. We were visiting friends and next door was a green infested swimming pool and we were all getting bit. The reason I remembered it so vividly was cuz we had just gotten back from WI and I had not gotten one bite in the whole two weeks we were there, but I get bit in Phoenix. Go figure.
Anyway, I was sick for two weeks and after calls from various agencies I was asked to take part in a study where I gave blood a couple times a month for a year. And I got paid $30.00 each time. How cool is that! I couldn't give for three years after that. And then when I was finally able to, my hemoglobin was too low.
But not this time!!
So, I am off to our Women's Retreat this weekend at Lost Canyon near Williams, Arizona. Where it is very cold and I will need to wear cute scarves and drink hot beverages. I know! Finally!
*** OH, and I have some exciting news to share with you all on Monday. VERY exciting news! I could give you a hint, but then you would guess and that would spoil the fun. But trust me when I say, it's BIG. Ok, I'll give you this much... something on my bucket list came to fruition. And it will facilitate the fulfillment of other things on my bucket list. See, I've shared too much already.
Feel free to take a stab at it if you want.
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