My love of gingham aprons started many years ago when I inherited my Grandma Larson's red gingham check apron. Truly a treasured heirloom. I eventually found a yellow one and hung them from the hay hook, next to the lefse turner. Read THIS post if you want to know what in the heck a hay hook and a lefse turner is.
And then, something very strange happened... each of these vintage gingham aprons started showing up at my little thrift store that I visit often. One at a time. A dollar each. No two alike. All from the very same thrift store!
Seriously, I would go one day and find the pink one... a few days later the aqua blue one... and then maybe a red one the following week... and on and on. This went on for several months and then it tapered off a bit. I still find an occasional one now and again.
At one point I actually thought I was being set up... like I was being 'punked' or something... like it was all a joke to film me getting all excited and then they would steal my joy by telling me it was all a gag. So needless to say I started paying a little more attention to my appearance... you know, in case I show up on one of those new reality shows where they feature crazed women overreacting to their favorite finds. You gotta admit, it has potential. Heck, I'd watch it!
And here's the deal, not any two are the same. And I have a total of 20 gingham aprons hanging from a curtain wire in my craft room and several more on hooks. The exquisite chicken scratch embroidery, color hues and size of ric rac vary from apron to apron. All unique, one of a kind, treasured works of art.
(be sure to clic each pic and see for yourself)
So, let me ask you... do you suppose the same lady made all of these lovely aprons ? And did they arrive at my little thrift store as a collection? Then why didn't they want to put them out all at once? Why only one at a time? Sure makes you wonder...
But I really do believe that I, as a responsible thrifter, am rescuing them. Another words, they are like a family of gingham aprons that I have adopted, one at a time, so the collection can stay together. Hey you laugh, but it's what we do in the thrifting business, to leave our mark on the world. Ok, so I'm being funny... well sorta :)
Come on, you've got to admit, they look pretty awesome together. Oh and for those that are curious, I have them hung using the IKEA curtain wire w/ clips set.
That's incredible that you found them all at the same place! I love how they look together!
And I know all too well what a hay hook is, but I had to look up a lefse turner, haha!
Love your aprons! So colorful! Be blessed. Cindy
I love your apron collection! I have a lime green gingham one that my mother-in-law made as a teenager.
I am drooling over your apron collection. I would have paid several dollars for each. Love them, love them, love them.
Okay, I would be doing the happy dance everyday I found one. I LOVE vintage aprons. I love your collection!! It makes me happy to find others that get so happy about them too.
Lucky girl!! I'm always looking for aprons and have yet to find any!
I am an apron lover too! Yep, it started from my Grandma! I was drawn in to your photo of all the colors of the hanging aprons! Thanks for sharing! Donna...the 3rd sister
Oh, you know I've always admired your collection!
So fun.
Thanks for linking up at RE today, Linda!
I wonder if the staff calls you "the apron lady". LoL
Nonetheless, good for YOU!
Great finds.
Thanks for sharing!
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane
Hi Linda! I'm glad you are rescuing those beautiful aprons! It is obvious they are now in a good home and will be appreciated. Have a nice day! Twyla
Oh my goodness, look at all your aprons! How fun!
Stopping by from Sandy's party! : )
WOW...what a COOL collection of VINTAGE aprons...thanks for sharing them at NTT!
How fun! I should hit some thrift stores!!
What a lovely collection of aprons! How very fun!
What a neat story! It does make you wonder for sure. I wonder if someone was making them to sell there. How pretty they all look together. You almost have one for every day of the month now! Great collection!
I am coming by from Sandy's. My mom took some photos of my great grandmother and grandmothers aprons for this post for me.
I am so jealous of your aprons...they are gorgeous..fantastic...wonderful. I have been searching high and low and cannot find an apron at a thrift store/antique store anywhere here.
That's funny about being punked...I would have thought the same thing.
504 Main
Beautiful colors & perfect for Spring! :)
Great story! The Thrift store might have gotten them all in at once, but put them out as each one was purchased. What they may not have realized was that it was the same lady purchasing each one of them and they could have saved you the time and just put them all out at once.
Hugs, Cindy S
girl, you weren't punked...the Lord read your heart and wanted to delight you with JOY!! what a crazy and fun story.
My goodness your collection is simply stunning. You are very lcuky to have them! I just adore how you have them displayed - they look wonderful hanging! Would love to have you stop by the Sunday Showcase Party if you get a chance ~ Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Thanks for sharing!
My great grandmother must have made a couple hundred of those type aprons, all hand stitched and hand embroidered. She gave most of them away as gifts during her lifetime. I have only a few left, saved from the trash pile during the estate sale. You are so lucky to have so many! I wonder if it was a common pattern like a McCall that started the fad. The embroidery is so similar. Beautiful craftmanship. You don't find them any more.
Thank you so much for shareing! :)
My Grandma F. was always embroidering on gingham! She made aprons just like you love to collect. I love how each can be so different, yet are made by the same woman. Yours are beautiful. I have a few folded up in vases.....apron flowers! It is SO exciting to find things like this in a thrift store. I find them very valuable....even though they are usually under a dollar!
I am starting a collection of my own of chicken scratch word to display at an old steam engine show that I participate in. I am making a power point presentation for neck year. I would love to have a photo of each of your aprons beautiful needle work. I can be reached at julieannjankowski@gmail.com I would love to hear from you! Such a wonderful collection!!!
love gingham aprons - i am going to hang them, mixed with roses aprons, as a valance in my kitchen bay windows so i can look at them while eating my lefse with butter & brown sugar.
Linda, these would make amazing gifts for the young brides that you know that like vintage style...if you could part with any of them. Funny thing about finding them one or two at a time. If you had seen them all at once would you have been able to convince yourself to spend that much money at one time? Maybe not. I think the Lord knew your price limit, so He allowed them to arrive over a longer stretch of time.
Love them all and you too!
What a wonderful apron collection! And, a great story!
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