Since embarking on the kitchen remodel, I have been spending quite a bit of time online. Mind you, it's so I can be close by, at my husband's beck 'n call. Sort of a
call girl if you will. When he calls, I'm ready... to hunt down a tool, run an errand, clean up a mess or make a decision... all on a moments notice. Like a good little wife :)
So I've been pouring over kitchens, for hours on end... weighing in on knobs vs. handles... single vs. double sink... and so on.

But along my journey I have come across some unexpected inspiration that I want to share with you all.
Check out the vintage postcard banner. I plan to decorate my
cozy cottage on wheels with a 70's vintage/ travel motif. And well, recently I came upon a box of old letters & postcards that I received growing up in the 60's & 70's. And now I know what I'll do with the postcards! I even have some tiny vintage plastic clothes pins to hang them with. Can you say

I have also been collecting odd-ball chairs & stools here & there over the years with the idea of gathering them around a big ole farmhouse table some day. I never thought of painting them all the same color. And
hello, my favorite color! Well as you can imagine, this image sent me over the moon!

That is. Until I saw this image.
OH MY GOSH. THIS IS IT! The crème de la crème. Totally the look I'm going for. And you know how much I love cloches & apothecaries.
Seriously, I already own four of those metal chairs. ($5.00 each at a yard sale) And other very similar chairs. And that table is simply to-die-for.
Oh table of my dreams, where are you? 
And last, but certainly not least.
OK, you may need a moment... while I have a moment.
............... ok, I'm fine.
Seriously, this image took my breath away.
You see I grew up watching my Mom use one of these very galvanize double wash tubs. And my Mom still has it in her basement. And she keeps threatening to take it to the dump. But I have always wanted it in the worse way.
But never more than I do right NOW! So I called her and told her that it's going home with me on our next trip to the farm. (I'll tell Randy sooner or later)
Gee, I am so glad that's taken care of.
And I feel a whole lot better.
The. End.